My Sunday, LLC

Sunday 8/22/2021

Sunday 8/22/2021

Today’s reading for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time commences the church’s weeks-long series on the bread of life discourse from Jesus. The reading is from John 6:60-69 (some, 56-69). All of what Jesus has been teaching about himself being the bread of life has come to this. There are many that simply cannot get over what he is saying. The concept of his body being the one to sustain them, having been sent from Heaven, is hard to process and accept. As a Jewish people, the concept of consuming any unclean flesh is a complete deal breaker for them.  Jesus is asking them to let go of everything their ancestors have lived by and trust that this is God’s full intention and want. They must trust and accept this in order to move forward in their discipleship with him. In looking at our own lives, is this something we are willing to do? Can we let go of the things we hold on to and instead trust fully in the plan laid out for us by God? When things seem difficult and impossible to accept, can we #livemysunday and follow the Lord in all His glorious and mysterious ways?

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