In this week’s Gospel reading for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mark 4:26-34, Jesus is sharing another parable (in what is a series of many parables about sowing seeds) that are all found in chapter four of Mark. This one begins to scratch the surface of comparing the kingdom of God to that of a mustard seed, the tiniest of all seeds, and how it grows into a mighty large bush, blooming beyond expectations. The large bush gives respite to those who need to make a home and find rest. If we apply this parable directly to ourselves, we can see how we are to band together and each become seeds that can grow exponentially in God’s word, giving refuge to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need of us showing His love and mercy. Let’s grow into being the living kingdom of God that He desires us to be and remember we can all blossom in God’s greatness when we take each day and #livemysunday
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